Sunday, October 21, 2007

12:30 pm

so far today all i had was 4 hours of sleep 1 can of red bull and uhh oh yeah thats it!

hi-ho cherry-o off we go wootwoot

Thursday, October 18, 2007

somewhere deep in the land of xanga and all other interesting things on the internet,
we forget all about ourselves and our problems...

including the rice burning on the stove.

Quote of the Day:
" It's funny how things like that just take your appetite away." - my brother justin after being on the phone for an hour getting help for our needy computer and being transferred 74529 times.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


These kids are so fun, it's scary. :)

it was so nice having my sisters here for a visit! now that they are all gone, my almost-90 year old Great-Grandma is here for 2 weeks! here is her and carter..

anyways.. gotta go-

Quote of the week:

"Your fridge sure is messy!" -Andre, age 4 after opening the fridge and discovering it didn't look like his moms.

"There's somebody inside my nose!" Kristin, age 2