after a brief sabbatical from it, i'm back for about as long as i have the inspiration. which will probably only be about enough inspiration for 1 post or so...haha.
i've been busy. every time i say i've been busy i get busier and have to redefine my definition of busy. Last week busy was memorizing over 30 verses in less than a week, writing and completing a speech in 3 days, writing a 5-7 page research paper, along with general studying for quizteam and going away basically everyday and my school. and then i got sick. and the whole family has been getting over fevers and coughing and hacking and blowing our noses ever since. anyways. i'm deep into quiz team and the last like 10 pictures here are from that so sorry to anyone who is sick of the girls in the green, that is just our uniform and that is only like 1/4th of all the pictures of us. it's a fun year..=] but anyways. i'll go on with the pics =]
starting off here with my niece that i haven't seen in 3 weeks. i want to see her. kylie is almost 2 months old and she is such a sweetie.

[i'm not sure why the pictures are so stinking grainy..sorry about that]

we were trying to think in this picture. or look thoughtful. which is a lot of what we do when we are standing up there trying to think why in the world we ever jumped and thought we could get that question! ha.

here the wind is supposed to be blowing us away. haha

annd heather needs to get off the computer and do other things that need to be done before tomorrow.. i was gonna get off the computer at 8..haha what a joke i kno!! anyways...