Thursday, October 18, 2007

somewhere deep in the land of xanga and all other interesting things on the internet,
we forget all about ourselves and our problems...

including the rice burning on the stove.

Quote of the Day:
" It's funny how things like that just take your appetite away." - my brother justin after being on the phone for an hour getting help for our needy computer and being transferred 74529 times.


Anonymous said...

i really think you need to just post on xanga and 4get this thing.. it is a pain because i never know when you update and just really bothers me and so i really wish you would only use xanga. i like to know when you update and when it is here i don't know when you update so please if you would just listen to my humble plea....ok? bye
p.s.. so were you in charege of the rice??:)lyss

Anonymous said...

oh how was your outing to take the meal???? i bet you just stared like a lil amish kid..cuz ya never get out...ha.. :)