we've been doing a lot of traveling lately. We've also had 2 extra 'people' going along with us. this is one of them..

We went to south carolina :-) carter had his first birthday while we were there. doesn't he look so elated :-) he loved his cake. so did we, right lyss??!?

we also went to maryland last weekend but we really don't have many pics of that because.. because.. we didn't take that many. except, the first pic in this post is of the way home from maryland when bessie was being a nut, no we usually do not let our dogs out of their cages when we are travelling, but my dear niece and nephew's kitty needed a cage, and yours truly forgot to bring an extra one, soo we ended up leaving bessie's cage there for the kitty, whatever its name is gonna be, so it could be saved from the cruel jaws of other evil things in life at night while all good kitties are supposed to be sleeping. So Bessie the dog that is on a diet laid in the back of the van and was a good doggie about 15% of the time. Gus on the other hand ( for those who are just joining the conversation, Gus is our 4 month old puppy, or should I say bessie's 4 month old puppy, and he is an absolute gem when it comes to traveling) was wonderful and we hardly knew he was there. K enough talk about the dogs, really people I do talk about other things than animals and my family, I just want to make shure you all have you daily dose of boring so you aren't deprived, cause you know what those deficiencies can do to you, things like well they may even be too nasty to write on a family friendly place like this. so anyways. what was I tlking about again?
oh did I mention I'm going to haiti in 14 days? 360 hours? 20160 seconds? yep, pretty excited.
it's been a loong time since I just sat down and rambled. Well, I mean on my blog. comments and emails, well, you might as well forget those :P
anyways wow yes this is a short post, but I simply must get to bed. Since I rearranged my bedroom I can't keep out of it =D talk to ya all later~ heather
hey there.. yeah i started my post last night and then didn't put it public till this morn when i finished it. that is why you pry didn't see it till then... anyhow nice post..i've been meaning to comment but haven't yet. sorry. i'm sure youv'e been checking every 2 min just to see if your dear sis left a comment. i am ready to see you guys again. carter is finally starting to act like carter again. very nice for this mama! ummmmmmmmmmm so are you all ready for haiti?sounds like you have clothes! well carter is trying to pound at these keys..ttul!!
hello my deaR!! ok wow ::: ur post soooo cracked me up! seriously! twas very amusing ... ukno 2 hear all about ur dogs + etc! anyhow just thot alyssa's comment looked a slight bit lonely lingering there all by itself so mine decided 2 be kind for once N join it plus give u something else 2 occupy (or wait is it occpuy! lol) ur time w/ so therofer is the reasoning for this *ahem* sentimental high tecnoglogy bit of logic ... ok did that make any absolute sense?? logic has nothing 2 do w/ a comment does it?? mayb im missing the entire point considering i NEVR knew wat the point was 2 begin w/ besides for the fact that i was quite exasperated (wait that means Xciting rite?!! wiNK*winK*) w/ the fact my craZy friend hEathEr updated! ;) ok mayb i should just go N stay ahead ... except i have a feeling im no longer ahead. a feeling that ive been behind for quite sometime!! ok ok ... im GOING now!!! ! ! so i will ttyl --- prayrs N luvyahuN! peace_#93
ummmmM just sooooo you know PLAY along N yeah you shud know wat that means bc ummmmM we really wanna do some damage!!! ya know??? N tell justin to mind his owm business! lol jk. but yeah just KEEP it 2 urself! yep you know wat i mean!! lol. k CANT wait 4 the email N im ttlly prepared so it better be pretty amazzzzing!! innocent grin!! k later :::: prayrs N <3333333soo muchmydeaR! peace_#93
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