I guess I kinda feel like rambling. I guess I could put pics on if I ever get around to it.. but.. pretty much everyone posted pics of what I would post pics of so if you wanna see them you could just hop onto my sisters site :-) but.. I'll still put a few on :-)
These are my brother-in-law's sister-in-laws sisters. waay too cute.
(these pics are from when bethanie&I went to maryland to connie&milfords wedding.. amazingly fun!)
Bethanie&I were the babysitters (aka the child coordinators) due to the fact that I will be getting a new niece or nephew in about 6 months. So trina couldn't run after the kids, so we had to. no, don't worry, as I said it was amazingly fun.
Another factor on the amazing chart was that I got to see this girl again, after like almost 2 years. I was pretty much happy all day long :-D
My brother took this picture the other day. and no, I don't think he edited it at all.

Anyways. This week is VBS at our church, and I'm an assistant teacher for the 6 year olds. It is fun, need I say more? good, cause I don't have any more to say.
um.... oh. one of our puppies is hopefully leaving us next week. it is kinda saddening *sniff*
on another more happy note, tonight I'm going to my friends house and tomorrow my sister is coming and next week we are going to south carolina :-D amazing huh!!
anyways, now I need to get onto other more important things, like eating and smiling at random people on the street. No, not really, but...
nice post.....:)we are leaving for indiana in 7 hours..i am sitting here in my pjs.. i need to clean the house, pack, do laundry.. pretty much everything yet.. guess i'd better get in gear. next week hopefuly i'll have more motivation to clean cuz you'll be coming.. or wait i guess i could just wait till you get here so you could clean for me:):) yeah that sounds good:) ok i'll try to be easy on you. but you will have to at least take your turn at washing the dishes. justing too. Carter is very excited to see you i am sure. i wonder when you guys are leaving cuz he has an appt. on monday at 11. you guys should stay and watch him get his shots. i'm sure you'd love that. actually i could change the appt. if you are still gonna be here. not sure if grandma could handle he grandboy getting shots or not?:) ok well i should maybe shut up here shouldn't I? so long dear sister. enjoy your 6 year olds.
*sigh* i can just imagine the horrified look on ur face as you are now acknowledging my comment! lol. well considering i havnt commented you in quite a vera long time i figured you are now ready 2 deal w/ another 1!!! winK*winK* i was trying to think of some randOm bit of info i cud inform you of so therfore! mayhap ... o i was on xanga yesterday! looking at??? well thts a question igues ull havta come up w/ ur own answer 4! dont try N think 2 hard which of the 50 states they live in!!!! *innocent griN* ok that was really weird N most likely the farthest thing from ur mind! but anyhow. actually it pry wasnt!!!!!!! jkjkjk. i wont b cruel ... u kno me better than tht my deaR! well mayb i shud go N conclude this soo "divine" comment! :) *grin* k well its ttlly ur tuRn 2 call, email, update N yeah!!! k cya N missulikcrazy ::: luvyahuN! peace_
HI ... <3peace_#93
nice pix n ADORALBE girls!! Sounds lyk u got/had a loaded wk..;) Hey, n good luck on the cordinator thing y . You definentally would excell doing that kind of stuff more than i wuld! :)Have fun!!!
BTW- your bro's a freakin PRO at taken pix!! WOW! Gud for him! Tell him he auta go into professionalism..[if that's a word] :p lol
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